Monday, December 30, 2019

Research Paper on Biology

Research Paper on Biology One of the least certain elements of the nature is a plant. What are the effects of the human intervention in the vegetation of the particular areas? How can the humanity reduce negative impact on nature, not affecting the technological progress? These questions are widely discussed in scientific literature and practical studies performed in biological field. There are no recent researches, however, done specifically to analyse the affect of global warming on the vegetation of the radical regions of Brazil. It was decided to focus on the Pantanal region and evaluate the affect of the recent climate changes on the production of beef and soy that are the main products of the region. Our primary research question is formulated as follows: What are the effects of the recent climate changes on the meat and soy production in the region? Based on the nature of the questions and taking into consideration the fact that a lot of studies have analysed the changes, one of the main research methodologies is observational analysis and literature review. After examination of previous works and analysis of the region, made by the scientists on the vegetation of Pantanal region in Brazil, we have compared the observations with our latest findings to identify the difference and shift in the trends. The research showed the following findings: During the last three years dry and rain seasons in the region experienced radical temperatures. Temperature reached record level for the last twenty years in the January 2010. Regional export of meat reduced by 12% during the last two years due to the climate changes. Soy production is reducing by 8% on annual basis as a result of the extreme temperatures during dry season. The objective of the research paper is to raise the concern on the human intervention in the nature climate processes and possible consequences in the nearest future.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Audit Report Was Timely, but at What Cost - 18721 Words

CHAPTER AUDIT REPORTS THE AUDIT REPORT WAS TIMELY, BUT AT WHAT COST? 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to 3-1 Describe the parts of the standard unqualiï ¬ ed audit report. Specify the conditions required to issue the standard unqualiï ¬ ed audit report. Understand combined reporting on ï ¬ nancial statements and internal control over ï ¬ nancial reporting under Section 404 of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Describe the ï ¬ ve circumstances when an unqualiï ¬ ed report with an explanatory paragraph or modiï ¬ ed wording is appropriate. Identify the types of audit reports that can be issued when an unqualiï ¬ ed opinion is not justiï ¬ ed. Explain how materiality affects audit reporting decisions. Draft appropriately modiï ¬ ed audit†¦show more content†¦The audit report is the ï ¬ nal step in the entire audit process. The reason for studying it now is to permit reference to different audit reports as evidence accumulation is studied throughout this text. These evidence concepts are more meaningful after you understand the form and content of the ï ¬ nal p roduct of the audit. We begin by describing the content of the standard auditor’s report. STANDARD UNQUALIFIED AUDIT REPORT To enable users to understand the language of audit reports, AICPA professional standards provide uniform wording for the auditor’s report, as illustrated in the auditor’s standard unqualiï ¬ ed audit report in Figure 3-1. Different auditors may alter the wording or presentation slightly, but the meaning will be the same. Parts of Standard Unqualiï ¬ ed Audit Report OBJECTIVE 3-1 Describe the parts of the standard unqualiï ¬ ed audit report. The auditor’s standard unqualiï ¬ ed audit report contains seven distinct parts, and these are labeled in bold letters in the margin beside Figure 3-1. 1. Report title. Auditing standards require that the report be titled and that the title include the word independent. For example, appropriate titles would be â€Å"independent auditor’s report,† â€Å"report of independent auditor,† or â€Å"independent accountant’s opinion.† The requirement that the title include the word independent is intended to convey to users that the audit was unbiased in all aspects. 2. AuditShow MoreRelatedWorldcom s Management Team : A Lack Of Professional Skepticism1640 Words   |  7 Pages2) WorldCom’s management team was hesitant to communicate with Arthur Andersen, this an issue that revealed a lack of professional skepticism that Andersen exercised. There are many examples and observations that show a lack of professional skepticism shown by Anders en. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

BLR Savings Project P Free Essays

Data Code of Conduct We, in our dealings, are self-regulated by a Code of Conduct as enshrined In the Data Code of Conduct. We request your support In helping us adhere to the Code In letter and split. We request that any violation or potential violation of the Code by any person be promptly brought to the notice of the Local Ethics Counselor or the Principal Ethics Counselor or the CEO of TTS. We will write a custom essay sample on BLR Savings Project P or any similar topic only for you Order Now All communication received in this regard will be treated and kept as confidential. 2 Table of Content 4 2. Project 3. Scope of 4. Suggested Solution by TTS 6 5. Technology and Tools ? 7 6. Facts and 9 7. Highlights . 8. Benefits to the Customer ? 3 The customer is one of the leading financial services companies in the United Kingdom (I-J). They have over 7. 5 million people investing in various life assurance, pension, investment and general insurance plans. This is one of Auk’s top 50 companies in the Financial Times and Stock Exchange (FETES) Index and its operations are spread across the world, mainly in the United States (US), France, Netherlands, Germany and I-J. This leading financial services company makes financial security easier to achieve for millions of people. Through the range of general insurance and protection products that the company offers, it helps protect lives, health, homes and belongings of millions of people. 2. Project Background The customer, based in the I-J, has entrusted Data Consultancy Services (TTS) with the task of managing the today-day IT operations of various business units. This engagement aims to deliver administration services of high quality to the customer’s Wealth Business Unit at reduced costs, increased efficiency and reduced time to deliver projects. The following systems form a part of the Wealth Delivery Unit: Future Product Framework The Future Product Framework (OFF) system plays a central role in the customer’s Pension and Investment business and in the customer’s strategic Pensions and Bonds administration system. OFF was implemented in 1999. It was designed to provide flexibility in products to meet customer requirements. OFF is a rules and derivative system and has the capability to launch products to the market quickly. UNIt Linked PENsion UNIt Linked PENsion (UNEVEN) is the customer’s legacy system that was developed in- house and was originally implemented in 1980. Since 2001, many of its functions eve been replicated within the newer OFF system, and as a consequence almost all new pension contracts are set up on OFF rather than on UNEVEN. Some parts of UNEVEN have been replaced by separate applications such as Individual Pension Claims (PC) and Pensions Increments (PINCH). PC The PC is an online system that enables the creation, maintenance, and printing of Personal and Corporate pension quotations based on the customer pension plans. This system handles retirement, death and transfer out. It is predominately an online system. Quotation documents are composed using SF. PC was implemented in 1992. PINCH The PINCH system was built to replace the existing UNEVEN renewal routines and to provide dados Benefit Statements and online illustrations. It is primarily used to produce Benefits Statements and Incremental Illustrations for Individual and Occupational Pensions. It was implemented in 1994. Group Pensions The Group Pensions system handles the administration of the following pension products: POP, POP and the Group Pension schemes with respect to maintaining member records and renewal processing. It also administers the settlement of claims for deaths and retirements, including producing claim quotations. Valuations The Valuations system performs the valuation of policies across various applications within this account to finally arrive at a valuation of customer’s business. Agency, Customer, Finance and Healthcare These systems coordinate with the business to align with the business with respect to Agency and customer details. 5 3. Scope of Work The scope of this engagement is to provide application development and maintenance services across both the legacy and strategic systems of the customer’s Wealth Business Unit. TTS provides the following services to the Wealth Business Unit: Management of all the phases of the project lifestyle How to cite BLR Savings Project P, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quality Parts Case Study Essay Example For Students

Quality Parts Case Study Essay The Manager of QPS avgas looking to solve several problems within the work flow of the company _ One such improvement contemplated was the hiring of three inspectors to clean up a quality problem. In the SIT (Oust-in-time) Integrated activities designed to achieve high volume production using minimal inventories of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods. ) model, one Of the elements for reducing waste is Quality at the Source. Quality at the Source means do it right the first time and, when something goes wrong, Stop the process or assembly line immediately. Factory workers become their own inspectors, personally responsible for the quality of their output. Workers concentrate on one part of the job at a time so quality problems are uncovered. Fifth pace is too fast, if the worker finds a quality problem, or if a safety issue is discovered, the worker is obligated to push a button to stop the line and turn on a visual signal, People from other areas respond to the alarm and the problem. Workers are empowered to do their own maintenance and housekeeping until the problem is fixed. Sing this methodology, the need to hire three inspectors would be eliminated. Establishment to quality circles can also aid in reducing quality problems. In quality circles, employees meet regularly to discuss their jobs and problems and attempt to devise solutions. The SIT model leaves no room for surplus or safety stock, No safety stocks are allowed because if you cannot use it now, you do not need to make it now; that would be waste. Hidden inventory in storage areas, transit systems, carousels, and conveyors is a key target for inventory reduction. The other six elements that address elimination of waste are: Focused factory networks. 2. Group technology. 4 _ SIT production. 5. Uniform plant loading. (Chase, Jacobs , Aquiline, 2004, Chapter 1 1) 6. Kanata production control system. 7. Minimized setup times. Physical workflow in the plant could also be improved. By swapping the placement of machines 1 and 3, a cleaner workflow could be established. Also by adding a door between the assembly line and paint shop near the offices. The distance gizmos had to travel between skids 7 and 8 could be reduce by approximately 75%, thus increasing efficiency. Another problem was the excess product produced by machine four. The manager had contemplated purchasing high-rise shelving for the surplus, but, with a five minute set-up at machine 4, a Kanata system (Kanata and the Kanata pull system are inventory or production control systems that use a signaling device to regulate flows) could be set up between machine tour and the assembly department step 9, (see figure l) eliminating the need for high-rise shelving for storage of parts coming from machine 4 This system could act as a signal for machine 4 operations signaling them when they have reached an upper production limit and to cease production. It could also signal the operator when they need to restart production to replenish needed supply. Under-utilization and over-utilization of capacity are controversial features of SIT. Conventional approaches use safety stocks and early deliveries as a hedge against production problems like poor quality, machine failures, and unanticipated bottlenecks in traditional manufacturing. Under SIT, excess labor, machines, and overtime provide the hedge. The excess capacity in labor and equipment that results is much cheaper than carrying excess inventory.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Condolence Quotes to Express Sorrow

Condolence Quotes to Express Sorrow How do you express your condolence when someone you love is going through a traumatic period? What do you say, and how do you say it? The Loss Some time ago, a close friend lost her five-year-old son in a tragic accident. The bereaved mother was beside herself with grief. No words could comfort her. Its tough to comfort someone grieving about death. What can you say to comfort a mother who has just lost her child? Do you  express grief or provide words of strength, or will your words seem empty? Etiquette of Courtesy Social norms emphasize on etiquettes of greeting people on happy occasions, such as birthdays, engagement, weddings, marriage anniversaries, or other personal and professional milestones. Gift shops abound with greeting cards and gifts that express joy and celebration. Our culture falls short of expressions that teach people how to express sadness during times of grief. Tragedy and Loneliness Go Hand in Hand Funerals and prayer meetings are social platforms for people to offer condolences. After the initial flurry of activity, everyone goes back to their lives, leaving the grieving family to face loneliness and despair. Few turn back to see how the grieving family is coping with the loss. How to Help Others Overcome Grief Grief is a difficult burden to bear. Initially, your friend may shun your companionship or words of solace, because he is  hurting too much. To overcome grief, one has to come to terms with it. Your sympathy can help your loved ones. However great the tragedy, inspirational words can redeem the grieving soul. Quotes to Offer Condolences These condolence quotes will soothe the heartbroken. Help your loved ones pick themselves up, and move on. Share these condolence quotes at funerals, church services, or make a solemn toast in honor of the departed soul. Your words can give a glimmer of hope to the heartbroken. William WordsworthThat though the radiance, which was once so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower. We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.Bible, Matthew 5:4Blessed are those who mourn; for they shall be comforted.Beth Mende ConnyIf the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time.Pierre CorneilleOne often calms ones grief by recounting it.Harriet Beecher StoweAny mind that is capable of real sorrow is capable of good.Anne GrantGrief is a normal and natural response to loss. It is originally an unlearned feeling process. Keeping grief inside increases your pain.AeschylusThere is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.Queen Elizabeth IIGrief is the price we pay for love.Jerome K. JeromeIt is in our faults and failings, not in our virtues, that we touch each other, and find sympathy. It is in our follies that we are one. Nigella LawsonYou dont go around grieving all the time, but the grief is still there and always will be.Benjamin FranklinIt is the will of God and Nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside, when the soul is to enter into real life; tis rather an embryo state, a preparation for living; a man is not completely born until he be dead: Why then should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals?Dirk BenedictIf we wait until our lives are free from sorrow or difficulty, then we wait forever. And miss the entire point.Robert IngersollIn the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.Rossiter Worthington RaymondLife is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.Khalil GibranWhen you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.OvidBear and endure: This sorrow will one day prove to be for yo ur good. Anne Morrow LindberghGrief cant be shared. Everyone carries it alone. His own burden in his own way.ConfuciusWe should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowGood-night! good-night! as we so oft have saidBeneath this roof at midnight, in the daysThat are no more, and shall no more return.Thou hast but taken up thy lamp and gone to bed;I stay a little longer, as one staysTo cover up the embers that still burn.Arthur SchopenhauerAlmost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people.Washington IrvingThe natural effect of sorrow over the dead is to refine and elevate the mind.John TaylorWhile we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil.Dante AlighieriThere is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Interconnection of Panopticism and the Cult of Domesticity Essay

The Interconnection of Panopticism and the Cult of Domesticity - Essay Example The prisoners themselves are constantly isolated from each other but remain in full view of the watchtower. The psychological affect upon the prisoners is that by being constantly aware of the possibility of the tower's attention, they modify their behavior accordingly. Foucault claims this relation has been adapted to all aspects of society, elements of which will be discussed shortly. However, the implications of this system are apparent in the social doctrines of the "Cult of Domesticity" which existed in America roughly from 1850-1950. The Cult of Domesticity refers to the prevailing attitudes that arose with the industrial age, in which the patriarch of the household went to work while the wife and children remained at home. Social standards therefore demanded a woman be pious (to uphold the religious standards of the house), pure (in terms of sexual felicity to the husband), submissive (in that the husband had final authority), and domestic (housework maintenance was believed to strengthen piety and purity). As the working world belonged to men, the order of the household was a woman's domain. The combination of social panopticism and demands of the cult of domesticity naturally caused distress to the psyche of many women. Evidence of both can be illuminated through examining their influence in the lives of women: firstly by analyzing such stories as "The Yel low Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, and "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, then lastly by examining the life of Ida B. Wells through the documentary Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice. In "The Yellow Wallpaper," Gilman portrays an invalid narrator who is essentially kept helpless and bedridden by her husband, John, and his sister Jennie. Not only is her husband the authority in the house, he is also a practicing physician. This makes the narrator at a distinct disadvantage, for not only must she be submissive to her husband, but he is privy to the 'scientific' theories bolstering the cult of domesticity. These sexist theories were supported by several masculine observations: firstly, that women had less physical stamina than men, as their monthly menstruations incapacitate them while also inducing 'insanity', and secondly, because female systems fluctuated so to their reproductive cycles, women were viewed as delicate and therefore susceptible to over exhaustion. Medical opinion of the time held that the body contained only a certain amount of energy; as a woman's reproductive system was so complex, all of her energy must be available to its equilibrium. Intellect ual activity was believed to drain away energy need for these organs hence, Gilman's narrator is constantly fearful that she will be discovered writing in her book. John, as a doctor, proscribes nothing but rest for the narrator to recover her energies; as her husband, he enforces this by keeping her isolated in the bedroom most of the day. The circumstances of the narrator directly parallel the conditions Foucault describes in the Panopticon prison model. The prisoner is kept under constant, but random, observation, to the point where she begins to suspect constant observation when she personifies the wallpaper into a watchful guard. The wallpaper becomes a symbol of her imprisonment,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Quickbooks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quickbooks - Research Paper Example When a brand finds the value of brand equity, they can trail a brand equity roadmap to accomplish that potential value (Williams 222). The overview of brand loyalty to this model is still contentious as other conceptualizations place brand loyalty as anoutcome of brand equity, which entails awareness and associations of our firm. But when someone buys a brand or places a value on it, the loyalty of the client base is every so often the asset utmost prized, so it marks financial sense to include it (Gruner6). Also, when managing a brand, the addition of brand loyalty as part of our firm brand’s equity allows the firm’s marketers to defend giving it significance in the brand-building budget. Brandequity that our firm uses also provides value to clients (Gruner 7). It enhances the client’s ability to understand and process information and affects the quality of the user experience. As it provides value to customers, it also makes it laid-back to justify in a brand-building budget. The model provides viewpoint of brand equity as one of the chief components of recent marketing alongside segmentation -the marketing concept, and several others(Gruner 8) I can propose a brand QuickBooks as application software that processes and records accounting transactions with modules of function such as payroll, trial balance, and account payable as well as account receivable. Simply, it’s an accounting information system. It can be developed in-house by our company(Gruner 12). The QuickBooksshould compose of such modules as: billing- where invoices to clients are produced by the company; bookkeeping – where the company records payments and collection; stock/ inventory where the company keeps control of its inventory. Our brand QuickBooks should reflecta financial accounting software program, which can be of use to small businesses(Testa 53). The software boasts a variety of features intended at helping users manage every of their accounting

Monday, November 18, 2019

U03a1 Project Topic Choice and Rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U03a1 Project Topic Choice and Rationale - Essay Example that traditional Fee-for-Service payment rewards piecemeal work and â€Å"volume† of services rather than prevention of illness and coordination of care. The more procedures a physician performs, and the higher the value of the procedure, the more the physician is paid† (Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative, 2007). The option chosen for this paper is Option B. The next section will provide an overview of the organisation and the strategic planning issue. The organization chosen for this study is Tufts Medical Center. The organization deal with providing healthcare for children and is a well recognized organization with a ranking within the top five percent of the institutions nationwide (Tufts Medical Center). The organization has been able to provide the customers with excellent care over the years. The strategic issue that is present in the organization is the lack of a good record keeping process for the employee injuries on the job. The organization’s strategy in a number of ways lacks a strong plan for the employees and care of the employees. This is clear from the recent news which reads, â€Å"The Nurses Association distributed a press release several weeks ago saying the hospital showed a lack of concern for the health and safety of its workers. The union also picketed the hospital earlier this year to protest changes in nurses staffing patterns† ( Altman & Altman ). Several theories that have been explained in the past which deal with both human resources as well as the strategic management in the health care industry specifically highlight the need for a safe working environment for the employees and it is by law needed for the organizations to keep complete records of the various employee injuries and on the job issues that might arise. In the case of Tufts Medical Center this has clearly been missed out and the organization has not been able to keep up the records in time and effectively. As explained by Beta – Research School for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Establishing A Pay Structure Commerce Essay

Establishing A Pay Structure Commerce Essay Compensation is an important factor for HR people. Indeed, it is a way to motivate employees and increase their job satisfaction. However, determine the right compensation for each individual inside the company is not an easy task: it will depend on several factors that will be discussed in this paper. Organizations make decisions to define a job structure, or relative pay for different jobs within the organization. They establish relative pay for different functions and different levels of responsibility for each function. Organizations also must establish pay levels, or the average paid for the different jobs. These decisions are based on the organizations goals, market data, legal requirements and principles of fairness. Together, job structure and pay level establish a pay structure policy. To be effective, the compensation must be competitive in the market, perceived as fair by employees, accurately based, motivating and easily understandable. Thus, in order to achieve it a pay structure policy can help in this process. A pay structure dresses a hierarchy of job types and grades with the associated compensation and benefits. It is a term for the array of pay rates within the organization and representing the degree of slope in its pay policy (Milkovich Newman, 2002). Characteristics of a particular pay structure include the number of levels in the structure, the size of the pay differentials between each level in the structure, and the rate at which employees can progress through each level in the structure (Gerhart Milkovich, 1992). In order to realize this paper, I interviewed to HR managers that gave me their thoughts about the subject and experience. The paper will begin with the legal requirements that a company has to respect when setting compensation in the United States, and then it will focus on the factors. Legal Requirements At work employees are protected by several regulations in terms of selection, health and safety, labor, etc and of course pay. When establishing a pay structure, organizations face some laws put in place by the government that may vary according to the country where the employees of the company work. There are mainly five types of constraints that companies have to take into consideration in order to avoid troubles: equal employment opportunity, minimum wages, pay for overtime and prevailing wages for federal contractors and child labor. Equal Employment Opportunity The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) gathers several laws from the Civil Rights Act, American With Disabilities Act, Age discrimination in Employment Act and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. These laws protect employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral and other aspects of employment according to employees race, color, religion, sex, origin, disability, genetics and age. Thus, to meet the standard of EEO, employers must provide equal pay for equal work, regardless of these criteria. However it does not guarantee equal pay between men and women or young and old, etc. Indeed, differences in pay may appear but they must have good explanations relative to the business such as job responsibilities, skills, performance etc. To summarize, two employees doing the same job cannot be paid differently because of the previous criteria mentioned otherwise it would be considered as illegal. However, if one of the employees has some particular skills, or other business related considerations, the two employees might have a different pay. Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is administered by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) and establishes the federal minimum wage, overtime pay and child employment standards that most of companies must comply with. It applies to most of companies operating in the US and exempts some employees such as executives, professionals and outside sales persons. Under the FLSA, the employer must pay at least the minimum wage established by the law. Nonetheless some states and local governments have established higher minimum wages. In cases of where an employee works under state and federal minimum wage law he should be paid with the highest one. A minimum wage corresponds to the lowest compensation an employee can receive for the work s/he has performed. In 2012, the current minimum wage set by the FLSA in the United States is $7.25. In addition, the FLSA establishes a youth minimum wage for the first 90 consecutive days of employment of people under 20 years old which represents around 85% of the minimum wage. The FLSA also requires overtime pay for hours worked beyond 40 in each week. Thus employees should be paid at a different rate for extra hours. This rate is set at one and a half times the employees regular pay rate including bonuses. Overtime pay is required even if the employer did not ask the employee to work more. Moreover, there is no limit on the number of hours an employee can work during a week. Finally, employers must meet FLSA requirements concerning child labor (children younger than 18 years old) which basically restrict the use of child labor within a company. They must be paid at the minimum wage, as adults, or youth minimum wage (for the first 90 days). Any violation of the act may result to penalties and sanctions. Prevailing Wages for Federal Contractors The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Standards Administrations Wage and Hour Division (WHD) administers laws and regulations requiring minimum wages to be paid to workers performing construction work on federally-funded contracts or providing services to the federal government. Federal contractors must meet the requirements to pay at least the prevailing wages in the area where there employees work, that is to say the hour rate paid to the majority of workers in a specific area. It is defined by regulatory agencies. It exists two federal laws that cover employees pay policy in this field: Davis-Bacon Act for construction contractors that receive more than $2,000 in federal money. Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act for all government contractors receiving $10,000 or more in federal funds. Economic Factors on Compensation An organization cannot make spending decisions independent of the economy. Organizations must keep costs low enough so that they can sell their products profitably, however they must be able to attract workers in a competitive labor market. Thus, to remain competitive, employers must meet the demands of product and labor markets. Product Markets Product market is a market in which competing final goods and services are exchanged. Companies must be competitive in product markets so that they can generate enough profit in order to pay their employees. The more the competition, the more companies will reduce costs because they are unable to increase prices without losing money. In addition, product markets seek to buy at the lowest price, so organizations must limit their costs as much as possible. Indeed, an organization that has high labor cost will have to raise its prices for similar products already available on the market. In this way, product markets place an upper limit on the pay an employer can afford to offer for a specific job. Labor Markets In order to define labor market, we need to define its demand and supply. The demand side focus on the employers actions, that is to say how much he is willing to pay and how much employees he is looking for. The supply side consists of workers who want to earn as much as possible. To attract and keep workers, employers must pay at least the going rate in their labor markets. That is to say, to remain competitive in the labor market, organizations in a similar area have to pay this minimum amount to hire the most qualified employees. In this way, labor markets place a lower limit on the pay an employer must be willing to offer for a specific job. Pay Policy Identification Organizations make decisions about whether to pay at, above or below the pay rate set by these market forces. Paying above the market rate may make the organization less competitive in product markets but give it an advantage in labor markets. The organization benefits only if it can attract the best candidates and provide the system that motivate and enable them to do their best work. Furthermore, the efficiency wage theory (A. Marshall, 1920) explains that paying employees above the market rate increase productivity and efficiency for firms. Indeed, thanks to that they would be able to avoid shirk, reduce employees turnover, attract the best people, provide motivation for employees and allow them to eat so that they are less willing to be sick. Organizations that pay below the market rate need creative practices for recruiting and training workers so that they can find and keep enough qualified people. It is the less recommended strategy. If an organization choose it, it is probably because it has not enough financial resources to pay its employees, however in order to keep employees or even attract them the company must provide other non-financial advantages. Companies that are using this strategy experience high rates of employees dissatisfaction, high turnover and low productivity. The most use strategy is to match the market by paying the same pay for same jobs. Indeed by setting the same pay level, companies are able to remain competitive while managing their labor costs. Benchmarking In order to define the going rate in the market, companies use benchmarking. It consists for them to compare their own practices in terms of pay with the ones practiced by their competitors. Benchmarking is done through pay surveys to the right competitors, for the right jobs, and through the right methods (phone interviews, personal interviews, questionnaire, etc.). This is usually done by some agencies, especially the US bureau of labor statistics, with National Compensation Survey; rather than by the company itself. While developing a pay survey, companies must take into the two previous factors mentioned in pay level decisions (product market and labor market). Indeed, according to the goal of the company, it will focus more on product markets or labor markets comparisons. Pay structure related to jobs Along economic forces, organizations must consider the relative contribution each job should make to the organizations overall performance. Creation of a pay structure requires that the organization develop an internal structure showing the relative contribution of its various jobs, called job structure. One way to do it is through job evaluation. Job evaluation Job evaluation has several objectives, it can help to: Define what positions and job responsibilities are similar Decide right pay grades and other compensation issues Develop job classifications Help employees along their career path Organizations typically begin with a job evaluation to measure the relative worth of their jobs. A job evaluation committee identifies each jobs compensable factors and rates each factor. These compensable factors are the specificities that each job requires and that the company decided to value most and pay for its employees, such as education, skills, effort, job complexity, responsibilities, working conditions, experiences of the employee, etc. Then, for each factor the organizations define several degrees (usually no more than five) in order to judge the degree of a factor existing in a job. Once it is done, the committee assigns points for each factors and degrees. In order to simplify this process the committee may write down a job evaluation manual and use it to evaluate each job according to their significance into the organization. Pay Structure Creation The committee can research market pay levels for key jobs, then identify appropriate rates of pay for other jobs, based on their number of points relative to the key jobs. The organization can do this with a pay policy line, which plots a salary for each job. The pay policy line is a graph that shows the relationships between job evaluation and pay rate. It is then used to define the compensation for non-key jobs, for which the company has no data. The organization can combine jobs into several groups, called pay grades. For each pay grade or job, the organization typically establishes a pay range that will determine a minimum, midpoint and maximum of pay for a specific job or job within a specific pay grade, using the market rate or pay policy line as a midpoint. Thus, the salary of an employee may change according to some factors such as performance, seniority, etc. However, for some reasons, it is possible that an employees pay fall outside the pay range that the organization established. For instance, when an employee pay rate fall below the pay range for the job, it is called green-circle rate. It can happen when the employee has been promoted to a new position that is under a new pay grade. Conversely, when the employee pay rate fall above the pay range for the job, it is called red-circle rate. It can happen when the employee is demoted and keeps his/her current compensation. When these kinds of situation happen it is im portant for the company to solve the problem, nonetheless it is still rare. Differences in working conditions or labor markets sometimes call for the use of pay differentials to adjust pay levels. For instance, some companies pay a differential for night work to compensate them. Alternatives to Job-Based Pay To obtain more flexibility, organizations may reduce the levels in the organizations job structure. This process of delayering creates broad bands of jobs with a pay range for each. Other organizations reward employees according to their knowledge and skills. They establish skill-based pay systems, or structures that set pay according to the employees level of knowledge and what they are capable of doing. This encourages employees to be more flexible and adapt to changing technology. However, if the organization does not also provide systems in which employees can apply new skills, it may be paying them for skills they do not actually use. Monitoring Compensation Costs The Human Resource Department should routinely compare actual pay with the pay structure to see that policies and practices match. A common way to do this is to measure a compa-ratio for each job or pay grade. The compa-ratio is the ratio of average pay to midpoint of the pay range. Assuming the pay structure supports the organizations goals, the compa-ratio should be close to 1. When compa-ratios are more or less than 1, the HR department should work with managers to identify whether to adjust the pay structure or the organizations pay practices.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A few words on Dantes Inferno Essay -- essays research papers

A Few Words on Dante’s Inferno  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Like in the Inferno, where the gates of Hell begin the journey to the bottom, so life is began by birth, and the journey to Eternity begins. Some lives are more easily lead than others, like some of the punishments in Dante’s version of Hell are worse than others. Although in Hell, there is no hope, not even the hope of hope, the journey that Dante and Virgil take can be compared with the journey of life. Just the fact that Dante has someone to guide him can be comparison, everyone in life has a Guardian Angel assigned to them, as Dante had his own guide in his journey. But to compare all parts of life to the Inferno, one must start at the beginning to realized the end. The birth of body, and the death of the soul.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Midway on his journey through life, Dante realizes he has taken the wrong path. He is lucky. Many of those on the wrong path in their own lives have started on that same path on which they will also end; Dante realizes his error and, in attempting to set himself back on the right path, he goes on an important journey. Like those who also stray from their â€Å"right† path, this poet must embark on a fantastic and terrifying journey of exploration and self discovery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Inferno, the circle of Hell is determined by the sins the person (soul) committed while still alive on earth. For their deeds, they suffer eternally according to Divine Justice. The people one sees in life can already have chosen their eternal fate. Their outward actions may determine which part of Hell they are sent to, if indeed they are fated to go there and if Hell is the way Dante puts it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first Canto, Dante realizes he is lost. He says that he does not remember how he lost his way, but he has wandered into a fearful place, a dark and tangled valley. Above, he sees a great hill that seems to offer protection from the shadowed vale. The sun shines down from this hilltop, and Dante attempts to climb toward the light. As he climbs, however, he encounters three angry beasts: a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf—which force him to turn back. Returning in despair to the dark valley, Dante sees a human form in the woods, which soon reveals itself to be the soul of the great Roman poet Virgil.   &nbs... ... in the trials that lurk ahead, and the reward lost unless it is remembered. But the journey alone is not enough. Choices must be made upon this journey, and blinded by distractions, wrong choices are often made. Many are afraid of where their trip will take them, whether or not they will make the right choices, and like those in the ante Inferno, they make the choice not to make a choice and receive a punishment appropriate to their crime, and are forever tormented by their own indecision. But there are far worse punishments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Dante and Virgil go through Hell, Dante observes the different punishments of the souls for the corresponding crimes that they committed while still on earth. This raises a question: was Dante biased in his placement of the souls in Hell? Did his own personal experiences with people he placed in Hell affect the way they were punished in his story? Would someone else put it differently?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To answer this question, yes. Based on the personal opinions of many asked, Dante did put people he disliked in certain lower circles of Hell than he did of other well known people. But this raises more questions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How national and local guidelines affect day to day work Essay

National and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding that affect a practitioner’s day to day work relating to; Childcare practice The Education Act 2002 poses a duty on education authorities to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people. This affects my day to day work as I must be aware of the child protection procedures at all times, such as how to spot the signs of abuse, how and who to report my concerns, how to maintain a safe school environment, be aware of the health and safety of children and to be able to undertake any training required of me. Child Protection In my settings policies and procedures for safeguarding it states that all employees, volunteers and students should be properly vetted, which includes checks into the eligibility and the suitability, and that crb checks should be carried out. If I didn’t produce a crb check to make sure I didn’t have any criminal convictions or to check my suitability to work with children and young people then I would not be allowed to work in my setting. Risk assessment Risk assessments are an important factor in safeguarding children and in my day to day work, before I carry out any activity with children and young people I am required through my setting policies and procedures to carry out a risk assessment first to make sure all involved is safe, for example, if I were to plan an activity, such as an art and craft activity I would need to risk assess the potential danger of scissors, small objects, i.e beads and amend my plan accordingly to suit each individual. Ensuring the voice of the child or young person is heard Advocacy safeguards children and young people and protects them from abuse and poor practice. The government developed national standards for advocacy practice to ensure that children are able to speak out and have their views heard. The national Standards for the provision of children’s advocacy 2002Â  is this standard. This affects my day to day work as I need to know how to access advocacy services should a child require it and a child can request that I act as an advocate for them and in that case I will need to know where to look for support from the advocacy services. Supporting children and young people and others who may be expressing concerns Following my settings policies and procedures, if a child or young person were to express any concerns I would in my day to day work show a child that I am taking them seriously, that I am here to listen and have empathy, I would reassure the child that I will help in any way I can, I would record the conversation following the correct procedure, I would not make promises, or say that what has been discussed is confidential, I will not come to my own conclusions or ask questions and I would seek support and advice from the designated child protection officer.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Beginners Guide to Delphi Programming

A Beginners Guide to Delphi Programming Beginner developers eager to master the Delphi programming language should already be familiar with the basics of Microsoft Windows. Learning Delphi is easiest if you  approach it from a guided, tutorial-based frame of reference.   Foundational  Concepts Get started with a history lesson covering the evolution of  (Turbo) Pascal to Delphi 2005, such that Delphi evolved into a rapid-application-deployment framework intended to offer high-performance, scalable applications for online and mobile delivery. After that, explore the meat-and-potatoes of what Delphi actually is and how to install and configure its development environment. From there, explore the main parts and tools of the Delphi IDE. Hello, World! Begin your overview of application development with Delphi by creating a simple project,  writing code, compiling, and running a project. Then  learn about  properties, events, and Delphi Pascal  by creating your second simple Delphi application - allowing you to learn how to place components on a form, set their properties, and  write event-handler procedures to make components cooperate. Delphi Pascal Before you start developing more sophisticated applications by using the RAD features of Delphi, you should learn the basics of the  Delphi Pascal  language. At this point, youll need to start thinking carefully about code maintenance, including code commenting, and how to  cleaning your Delphi code errors - a discussion on Delphi design, run and compile time errors and how to prevent them. Also, take a look at some solutions to most common logic errors. Forms and Databases In just about every Delphi application, we use forms to present and retrieve information from users. Delphi arms us with a rich array of visual tools for creating forms and determining their properties and behavior. We can set them up at  design time  using the property editors and we can write code to re-set them dynamically at runtime.  Look at simple SDI forms and consider some good reasons for not letting your program auto-create forms. Delphi Personal  edition does not offer database support, but you can  create your own  flat  database to store any kind of  data - all without a single data-aware component. Managing Your Work While youre developing a large Delphi application, as your  program becomes more complex, its source code can become hard to maintain. Create your own code modules - Delphi code files that contain logically associated functions and procedures. Along the way you should explore Delphis built-in routines and how to make all the units of a Delphi application cooperate. The Delphi IDE (the  code editor) helps you effectively jump from a method implementation and a method declaration, locate a  variable declaration  using tooltip symbol insight features, and more.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Analysis of Moral Dilemma essays

Analysis of Moral Dilemma essays Philosophers have studied moral concepts of right and wrong for millennia. During this time, great thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Bentham, and Kant have developed a number of carefully reasoned and eloquent approaches to moral questions. These approaches in the field of ethics can span from metaethics (the core of ethical principles or universal truths) to the field of normative ethics (which takes a much more practical approach to solving specific problems) to the field of applied ethics (which looks at specific issues like abortion or animal rights) (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Each of these fields of ethics has sparked some often surprisingly elegant approaches to difficult ethical problems. However, in the real word, moral decisions are often much more difficult and confusing than they appear during reasoned ethical analysis. Moral dilemmas like the following illustrate the profound difficulty in coming to an ethical decision under truly trying and confusing circumstances. Imagine that you are an inmate in a concentration camp, and your son is about to be hung by a sadistic prison guard for attempting to escape. The guard wants you to pull out the chair from underneath your son, effectively killing him. The guard says that if you refuse to pull out the chair, he will kill your son and another, innocent, inmate as well. There is no doubt that the guard will carry out his actions. If you decide to pull out the chair from under your son, there are a number of potential consequences, both good and bad. Importantly, if the guard is true to his word, you will have saved the life of another innocent inmate. This is clearly a positive moral action, as preserving human life, especially innocent human life is essentially universally morally desirable. In saving this man's life, you spare both his personal agony, but spare his family and friends f...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Macroeconomics Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macroeconomics Models - Essay Example The LM curve is derived from the assumption that money supply is not a function of interest rates and therefore given certain levels of money supply we can determine when the monetary at which levels the monetary sector is at equilibrium; the LM curve is derived as follows: The above diagram shows the derivation of the LM curve, MS represents money supply, When there is an increase in national income from Y1 to Y2 then this will shift the money demand schedule to the right from MD1 to MD2 and for the purpose of attaining equilibrium in the money market interest rates will shift from IR1 to IR2 and this relationship helps us to derive the LM curve above. A policy mix is the use of both fiscal and monetary policies, fiscal policies include the use of government expenditure while the monetary polices include money supply. An example is where the government reduces expenditure, this will shift the IS curve to the left and because and the monetary policy measure here would be to decrease interest rates from IR1 to IR2 in order to push back the economy to the natural rate of output Yn. From the above diagram when the government decrease its spending this shifts the IS curve to the left from IS1 to IS2, this will lead the monetary policy makers to decrease the interest rates for this reason the new equilibrium will be at Yn and IR2. Economists view the labour market as any other mark... A policy mix is the use of both fiscal and monetary policies, fiscal policies include the use of government expenditure while the monetary polices include money supply. An example is where the government reduces expenditure, this will shift the IS curve to the left and because and the monetary policy measure here would be to decrease interest rates from IR1 to IR2 in order to push back the economy to the natural rate of output Yn. From the above diagram when the government decrease its spending this shifts the IS curve to the left from IS1 to IS2, this will lead the monetary policy makers to decrease the interest rates for this reason the new equilibrium will be at Yn and IR2. 3. How do labour markets affect workers' bargaining power Economists view the labour market as any other market whereby labour has its own demand and supply, when the supply of labour is high then wage rates are low and on the other hand when the demand for labour is high then the wage rates increase. Therefore the demand and the supply will determine the equilibrium wage rates in an economy and also determine the workers bargaining power. 4. What is meant by the efficiency wage and what does it imply about the clearing of the labour market Efficiency wage is a concept that states that wage rates are not only determined by the supply and demand of labour and for this reason there is need to pay a higher wage rate to employees to increase efficiency and productivity of labour. This concept therefore states that wage rates should be set higher than the market clearing rate in order to achieve efficiency which is achieved through the higher pay than the market clearing. 5. How does Blanchard define and motivate the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely Essay - 1

Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely admired in the 1990s, and now so despised again - Essay Example This made the practices of the world war come into place, which was further influenced by the presence of the cold war during this time. This only worked to facilitate further bureaucracy as then times was found to be trying (Hood 1990, p.3). This pushed bureaucracy to a new level in that there was a hierarchy of order in relation to the order of business and conducting of transactions. Therefore, management revolved around the authority figures in the business whose decisions were arbitral and impulsive creating further unfavourable decisions for business as the country itself was in a state of panic based on the cold war (Smith 190, p.8). As such, there was little stability in management as many things were uncertain creating further room for abuse of office in relation to decision making for an organization. As a result, most of the administrative issues in businesses found in America came form decision making forms that were mainly centred on the manager. The manager in the insti tutions was the final authority in making decisions, where everything had to go through him or her. This explains the essence of bureaucracy in an organization, which led to the criticism of the management structures and their efficiency. In addition, American management was criticized much due to the antics employed by managers in running the business, where there was more talk than action to back the words in the business. Tis raised questions over the ability of the management to meet the needs of an organization, as the hype that came with the turf of managerial positions did not produce any substance to show that the leader had any expertise to look after the company and drive it profitability. In this, there were only more attempts to make businesses look more profitable than they actually were, which translates to the emphasis on public relations than production of substance to speak for the business. The despicable conduct of management in this case was the use of unconventi onal means or military means such as propaganda to drive businesses and see that they were in a position to make profit or at least engage investors. American management in the 1980s also faced criticism based on the failure of management to deliver on the promises it made on their products and services as is seen through the application of hyped products that were out of reach, showing how little management was doing to meet the needs of their consumers. This way, the competence of American management was in question as there were discrepancies that showed American management to be a fraud thriving on propaganda to drive its popularity through pricy products whose promises were not up to standard, in terms of price. Technology in management also saw American management criticized in the 1980s as it provided businesses with opportunities to develop further, however, American management cut back on the application of technology in business to maximize the productivity of businesses, which saw significant criticism. In relation to this, American management was more intent on mass production methods and not on the desired quality of products. This proved to be poor management s there was mass failure in productivity and decision-making due to bureaucracy and integration of management with other professionals that did not have any expertise in the businesses they were managing. This is generally a failure in the American management system of the 1980s as they were unable to handle business based on expertise, but based on status, which did not look at critical aspects of running a business. In the 1990s, things changed for the better for American manageme

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Waste Management Practices for Domestic Waste in China and the UK Essay

Waste Management Practices for Domestic Waste in China and the UK - Essay Example Waste management is a complicated discipline, especially in highly populated countries such as China and the UK, where having a system that controls waste reduction is almost impossible. Some people throw a lot of waste, some recycle, but at the end of the day, the waste has to be discarded. However, waste management is not limited to public education, recycling, and environmental education, and waste reduction, garbage collection, composting landfill maintenance, government regulation, data analysis and public relations. In largely populated countries, staff is required to learn new strategies for advancing and adapting techniques of waste diversion, collection and disposal and complying with administration regulations. In major countries such as the UK and China, there are programs responsible for ensuring that all waste material is well regulated and does not affect the environment. There are several measures that the two countries use to ensure that domestic waste management is u nder control, and in some of these measures, there are some similarities and differences in the steps taken. Comparison China and UK have similar issues regarding sold waste management; for example, there is lack of consistent and reliable waste cost management, and quantity data make arranging for waste management policies difficult. This is because the two countries are densely populated especially in major cities (Shaw & Hawkins 2004, p. 97). The waste quantities in the two countries are also raising at an alarming rate with dramatic change in composition and negligible waste reduction efforts. Waste management affects every person who lives in the city, and the higher the population, the more solid waste will be expected in the same city and, if not well controlled, environmental pollution will be massive and out of control. The UK and China lack consistent decision-making processes especially for strategic policy and planning toward technology selection for waste management, co st recovery, classified segment involvement, contribution to the planning process and insufficient public access to information on how to recycle or reduce waste products (Ellis 1999, p. 115) . China and UK are both trying to come up with solutions of managing solid waste in their major cities and they are coming up with reviews and reports that work to improve the performance. They have come up with landfills that are classified depending on the kind of waste. For example, waste is classified as either degradable or non-degradable (Ellis 1999, p. 86). Both countries are trying to come up with successful waste management schemes and have willing participants to care for the environment. For example, in UK, there is the W12A landfill site opened in 1977, which is a well managed and designed waste management dumping area. It was expected to serve the city for at least 15 years with approval from the UK government body for waste dumping (C. Judd & S. Judd 2011, p. 202). However, operat ions in both countries do not convene design standards, especially in pollution management; where waste collection procedures are frequently not rationalized. Allocation of finances for waste management in the two countries has been difficult because there are inadequate tipping fees and user charges. Protecting the air has been an important aspect in China and the UK with both countries collecting and destroying landfill gas to decrease greenhouse gas discharge and potential stenches (Neubert & Dyck 2008, p. 112). After decomposing, garbage produces unpleasant smells and gases, one of them being methane, which increase global warming more than carbon dioxide does. In the two countries, gases are

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Teens Smoke Cigarettes Essay Example for Free

Why Teens Smoke Cigarettes Essay According to the BaiDu, more than 80,000 young people around the world start smoking every day. Most people start smoking when they are teenagers, which make it more difficult to quit. The earlier the habit begins, the harder it is it to stop, although many teenagers make multiple attempts to stop smoking. There are three main reasons why teens start smoking which is boredom, lose the weight and as a response to the stress of school and family life. Just like the teens like to act as if they are someone special or dangerous. By smoking they can act on those feelings. Because it is so forbidden it becomes more alluring to teens. The problem is that when they take that first, they can become addicted. The idea that they are breaking the law or going against their parents and schools is an addiction within itself. Kids like to get attention; it does not matter if it’s good attention or bad attention. They crave attention and by smoking they get big attention. The other teens look at them in all kinds of ways and the adults get upset and don’t know what to do. As the research, some teenagers, especially girls, smoke in an effort to lose extra pound. states that the nicotine in cigarettes can suppress a teenagers appetite, satisfy her cravings and keep her busy so that she does not think about food. In a culture that obsesses over how someone looks, smoking may allow teens to achieve the appearance needed to gain social acceptance. â€Å"Some teens begin smoking because their friends smoke and they want to be liked and accepted,† according to the CBC News. Many adults who began smoking as teenagers acknowledge that their friends gave them their first cigarette and that they began smoking because it was acceptable behavior. Many teenagers fear rejection, so to avoid embarrassment that they may smoke as a way to appear tough and be rebellious. In some cases, teenagers use smoking as a way to declare independence from their parents. Also having a family member that smokes is another main reason that teens start smoking. Anna Gilmore, professor of public health at the University of Bath, states in a September 2010 BBC News Health article that teens who have a family member who smokes are 90 percent more likely to start smoking. Teens often emulate the behaviors of their parents and older family members. Teens may start smoking simply because they see their parents or older siblings smoking. On the other hand, some teens may start smoking to rebel against family members or  authority figures who tell them not to smoke. Teenagers who smoke usually become addicted faster and on lower levels of nicotine than adults. Teen smoking can become a lifelong habit or a one-time case, depending on the individual. It affects almost 54 percent of high school students in the China every year. One in three people who begin smoking during their teenage years will later die of smoke related conditions, according to the website Teen Smoking. So boredom, lose the weight and pressure are a variety of reasons why a teenager may begin smoking.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Influences and Sources of Theodore Roethkes Elegy for Jane Essay

Influences and Sources of Theodore Roethke's Elegy for Jane In "In Memoriam A. H. H.," a new kind of elegy with roots in the elegiac tradition, Tennyson writes, "For words, like Nature, half reveal/And half conceal the Soul within" (1045). The truth of Tennyson's statement appears in Theodore Roethke's "Elegy for Jane: My Student Killed by a Horse." Roethke conceals much about himself as a person yet reveals much about himself as a poet when he puts his grief into words. Without knowing something of Roethke's personal and professional life, one would think that a student named Jane was the sole inspiration for this moving elegy; however, in The Glass House, the poet's biographer, Allan Seager, reveals more than one possible source of inspiration for the poem. At the University of Washington, as at Roethke's other teaching posts, students liked him, and he frequently formed close relationships with his students--in fact, he married one of his former students; however, this was not the case with Jane Bannick. Seager reveals that "Ted had not known her [Jane] very well." She " was a student of Ted's for only one quarter. She was thrown from a horse and killed" (193). Yet another one of his students may also have had an influence on this elegy. According to Seager, Roethke "may have been influenced also by Lois Lamb, who had fallen from a horse the previous summer and described the attendant fears to him in detail" (193). Seager also mentions that [the poet] and Lamb conducted a series of `experiments' with a flock of turkeys on the sanitarium [Pinel] grounds" (187) during the poet's 1949-50 hospitalization of manic-depressive illness. These visits by Lamb indicate a closer relationship between Roethke and Lamb t... ... us all. We can all relate to it. Thus, drawing not only upon his personal experiences and emotion but also universal emotion as well as elegiac and pastoral traditions, Roethke reveals himself as not only a warm, caring instructor but also as an outstanding, and perhaps instinctive, poet. Works Cited Parini, Jay. Theodore Roethke: An American Romantic. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1979. Roethke, Theodore. The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke. New York: Anchor-Doubleday, 1975. Ross-Bryant, Lynn. Theodore Roethke: Poetry of the Earth . . . Poet of the Spirit. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat, 1981. Seager, Allan. The Glass House: The Life of Theodore Roethke. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Tennyson, Alfred Lord. "In Memoriam A. H. H." The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 3rd ed., Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1974. 1042-84.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Smoking Ban Essays -- Social Issues, Smoking, Nicotine

Smoking should be banned from public places. Studies show that smoking can lead to cancer. Not only does this put the smoker’s life at risk, it also affects the lives of non-smokers, including pregnant women. Smoking all together is a dangerous thing to do. It began thousands of years ago with the use or tobacco in South America (Libal 11). No one knew about the long-term health effects of smoking tobacco before the twentieth century. It was decades of cigarette use before society began to realize that a health crisis was emerging (Libal 13). The health crisis that was emerging was cancer, among other diseases such as heart disease, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Cigarettes contain many harmful substances that help contribute to the forming of cancer in the human body. Some of those substances are nicotine, black tar, and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is the drug that helps the body to become addicted. Black tar sticks to the lining of the lungs and makes it hard to breathe. Carbon monoxide and other chemicals help poison the lungs (Keyishian, 14). When black tar sticks to the lining of the lungs. While making it harder for the smoker to breathe, it also causes for the heart to work h arder than it normally should. Carbon monoxide prevents oxygen from getting to the heart. That could cause heart disease. Smoking is very hard on the heart also. There is a chemical in tobacco smoke that can narrow the veins in the heart, increasing the chance of a heart attack (Libal 28). Smokers do not realize that many parts of the body work together like the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. When smokers smoke, the body inhales the nicotine and carbon monoxide. Nicotine and Carbon monoxide makes the blood vessels smaller than usual. ... ...loyees and others in public places is of the extreme importance. Some people might argue that banning smoking from the public is not a good idea. There are many facts that prove why smoking should be banned. Smokers might even argue that they have a right to smoke in public places, which may be true. By smoking in public smokers do not realize how much he or she is endangering another individual life. There are several reasons why smoking should be banned. Smokers fail to see that by banning smoking it could be very beneficial to them also. When thinking about banning smoking from the public smokers should think about all the lives they could help save. Smoking should be banned from the public because smoking leads to cancer, puts the U.S citizens lives at risk that choose not to smoke, and it could also endanger a pregnant women’s health.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bhutan Clean and Green

We are North Texas' Eco-friendly cleaning service. Keep Green and Clean is family owned and operated business that offers the highest quality, professional home and commercial cleaning service available in North Texas. We individualize our cleaning services for you and your home. Your unique needs are important to us, and we will take the time to listen to your specific requests. From the moment you walk into your home, you will know that we have been there. We offer one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, occasionally, and move-in/move-out cleaning. Keep Green and Clean provides free in-house quotes, call or email today to get yours!! Whatever Matters!! Green and Clean Bhutan – A possibility ‘Keep Thimphu clean and green'- This is a message that many Thimphu residents read again and again. But, are we anywhere close to it? Thimphu is definitely not clean. Litters everywhere. Overflowing drains. 40 tonnes of waste a day is a lot – 85% of the waste being recyclable. Overflowing Memelakha. And no proper waste management system in place. A few ideas flung here and there – whether to employ a private firm to manage the wastes dig another landfill or buy an incinerator (which I don't really agree with). Make a decision and at least do something. Thimphu is not green either. May be a few roofs (I still remember the TCC's absurd regulation to paint the roofs green). Too few green spaces for people to enjoy. Neither a single energy efficient building (the BTF building in Taba may qualify as one) nor any efforts in this direction. The intra-city transportation system is still unattractive to many people. Too many gas-guzzlers. Proposal for electric trains and trams – I think we need more immediate, effective and simpler solutions. If Thimphu is any indicator, a green and clean Bhutan is definitely a distant, difficult dream. But we can achieve the dream if we tackle the problems head on. It is time for more action and less rhetoric. There are a few things that can be immediately done – 1. Make Civil Servants the ambassadors of a clean and green Bhutan – Everybody looks up to the civil servants in Bhutan. The Government should initiate the changes from within. Educate the civil servants on waste management and effective use of energy. Let them practice these things at home and in offices. The 17000 strong smart individuals can spread the messages more effectively to the general public. . Green Projects – The Government owns a large number of properties and vehicles. Evaluate if we are making efficient use of our office spaces? Are they energy efficient? Need we build more offices? And do we need many office vehicles? Make new infrastructures more environmentally friendly and energy efficient by using alternative building technologies and designs. The Environmentally Friendly Road Cons truction projects are some examples. We are building new towns – why cannot new towns like Denchi in Pema-Gatshel be designed as a green town? 3. Encourage the public – During the recent NA session, an MP said ‘attitude of people should change first, before leaving it to the concerned agencies to solve the problem'. This is indefensible. The government is the most able of all organizations and should take on the role of educating the public. If one channel of education doesn't work, try another. Encourage people to make/build their homes and offices environmentally friendly and energy efficient. There are many technologies available now. Provide financial incentives and technological assistance to procure them. The National Environment Protection Act 2007 provides for it. Allocate budget to make the provision 78 in the Act effective so that there is an uptake. We must not fall into the false sense of security that we live harmoniously with our environment and that we are doing enough because we have committed to maintain 60% of forest cover. The problems illustrated above are real and we risk being caught out sooner than later. Greener Way12 April, 2010 – A private firm has beaten the government to initiating a program to collect paper waste. The month-old firm called Greener Way has already collected seven tones of paper waste from various government agencies and schools. Its main objective is to save the environment, provide employment and keep Bhutan clean and green,† the owner of the firm, Kinga Om, said. The waste they collect will be sent to New Delhi, India. â€Å"It takes about 15 to 20 days to reach New Delhi through Jaigaon,† she said. Greener Way has sought all the 10 ministries’ help to collect paper waste. Kinga Om, a fresh graduate, said that, so far, most agencies Greener Way has approached have been cooperative and willing to bear the cost of the dustbins each of them would be using. Like any other private firm, Greener way also works seven days a week, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. So far, they have collected paper waste from the ministry of agriculture and forestry services. Rinchen high school, Rinchen Kuenphen primary school and the UNESCO (expand) office. Officiating chief forestry officer (CFO) at the nature conservation division said that they would also follow Greener Way and initiate the same by their ministry. â€Å"We’ll continue to support them and encourage such initiatives,† the officiating CFO said. Recycling is done to conserve on consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills. Reports reveal that 90 percent of paper pulp is made from wood. Paper production accounts for about 35 percent of felled trees, and represents 1. 2 percent of world’s total economic output. It has been estimated that recycling half the world’s paper would avoid the harvesting of twenty million acres of forestland. The idea struck Kinga Om after four visits for research at Memelakha and finding out that 24 percent of waste is paper. It took about a month to set up their office near the automobile repair centre in Olakha, with help from Thimphu city cooperation (TCC), said Kinga Om. Before, the firm had a temporary junkyard at lower Motithang. Greener Way plans to set up branch offices in Gelephu, Samdrup jongkhar, Samtse, Thimphu and Chhukha. With the help of the education ministry, schools have been helping too. Rinchen high school was the first school to support in collecting paper waste. Greener Way will also be distributing its dustbins in Thimphu schools and later to rest of the schools in Bhutan within 10 days. Kinga Om has employed four university graduates and seven class XII graduates. â€Å"The toughest work is to collect waste from different places,† she said. â€Å"We request everyone in and around Bhutan not to throw paper waste but to collect it for us. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cmo afecta la ley HB87 de Georgia a los indocumentados

Cmo afecta la ley HB87 de Georgia a los indocumentados La ley de Georgia HB 87, considerada como restrictiva de la inmigracià ³n, impone castigos a los inmigrantes indocumentados que viven dentro de las fronteras de ese estado. Y es que aunque las leyes de la inmigracià ³n son federales y, por lo tanto, son iguales todo Estados Unidos sin importan donde se resida lo cierto es que cada estado puede pasar medidas de apoyo a los migrantes, legales y/o indocumentados o, por el contrario, restrictivas de los derechos de los sin papeles. Ese à ºltimo es el caso de Georgia, pero no es el à ºnico. Destacan en ese sentido las leyes de Arizona, Alabama y Carolina del Sur. Si usted es uno de los 480 mil indocumentados que vive en Georgia o se planea mudarse a vivir a ese estado es conveniente saber los puntos bsicos de la ley HB-87 tal y como se aplica en la actualidad despuà ©s de que varias organizaciones demandaran con à ©xito irregular la suspensià ³n de algunas partes de la ley. Cà ³mo afecta la ley de Georgia HB-87 a los indocumentados En primer lugar, en aplicacià ³n de la ley de Georgia HB-87 las empresas con ms de un cierto nà ºmero de trabajadores deben utilizar el programa federal e-Verify para garantizar que sus los empleados son ciudadanos americanos o estn legalmente autorizados para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Asà ­, todas las agencias estatales y todos los empresarios privados con ms de 500 empleados deben verificar el estatus legal de todos los nuevos trabajadores. Desde el 1 de julio de 2012, est obligacià ³n se ha extendido a todas las empresas con ms de 100 empleados y desde el uno de enero de 2013 se extender a todas que tengan ms de 10 trabajadores. Adems, la utilizacià ³n de documentos falsos como licencias de manejar, tarjetas de la seguridad social o green cards con el objeto de obtener empleo est castigado con multas de hasta $250,000 y con penas de prisià ³n por un mximo de 15 aà ±os. Asimismo, todas las peticiones de ayudas para la vivienda o para la compra de alimentos (food stamps) debern acompaà ±arse por la presentacià ³n de determinada documentacià ³n que pruebe el estatus legal del solicitante. Y quiz lo ms digno de resaltar es que  la policà ­a estatal y local puede verificar el estatus migratorio de las personas a las que para o detiene. Es lo que se conoce como la polà ­tica de muà ©strame los papeles (show me your papers, en inglà ©s). Es de destacar que se autoriza a la policà ­a a pedir los papeles pero no se hace mandatorio que debe hacerlo. Asà ­, por ejemplo, las fuerzas del orden del estado de Georgia podrn pedir papeles para verificar el estatus migratorio de las personas que manejen un auto sin la debida licencia. Disposicià ³n de la ley de inmigracià ³n de Georgia HB-87 que est suspendida   Por decisià ³n de la Corte de Apelaciones de Atlanta sigue en suspenso la seccià ³n de la ley que penaliza a todas las personas que a sabiendas, acogen en sus viviendas o transportan a un inmigrante indocumentado cuando se est cometiendo un delito. Derechos de los migrantes indocumentados Los migrantes indocumentados, a pesar de su estatus, tambià ©n tienen derechos si son arrestados o parados. En estos casos es muy importante que reciban un buen asesoramiento legal si sus caminos cruzan el de las autoridades y, por su puesto, si reciben una citacià ³n para presentarse en una corte de Inmigracià ³n, ya que el no hacerlo tiene consecuencia una orden de deportacià ³n (de la que es posible no saber que se tiene). Adems, en casos de arresto o/y inicio de procedimiento de deportacià ³n conviene consultar con un abogado si es conveniente solicitar una salida voluntaria, ya que puede tener ventajas si no hay forma legal de parar la deportacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, destacar que incluso en Georgia los muchachos con la Accià ³n Diferida aprobada (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) pueden obtener la licencia de manejar. Y que hay ciertos beneficios sociales mà ­nimos reconocidos por las leyes federales que se tienen que cumplir, como el acceso a Wic para el caso de bebà ©s, infantes y embarazadas o la asistencia en clà ­nicas comunitarias e incluso en ER de hospitales en los casos de peligro para la vida. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asistencia legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tthe Color Purple essays

Tthe Color Purple essays The Color Purple is Alice Walkers Pulitzer Prize winning novel, It decades-spanning story of Celie, an uneducated woman living in the rural American south, during 1900-1940.The most of the story takes place in a village house. Celie is forced to marry a brutal man she calls Mr., she turns inward and shares her feelings and thoughts with God. She writes letters to God. There are Celies letters to God and her sisters, Netties, letters to Celie in this novel. The main character in this level is Celie, black, weak, young woman, who is abused by his stepfather. She married Mr to get away from her father; she thought it was her escape from abusement. Her husband never loved Celie, he treated her like a servant, and life isnt easy for her. Mr didnt let Celie see her sister, who is the only person on earth Celie loves. Celie always kept her silence until she met Shug, her husbands lover, Shug give her courage and strength to stand up for herself. After Celie met Shug her view of life changed, gain back her self-confidence, and the strength to forgive. The story starts with Celie giving birth to her kids, who were taken away from her right away. She married Mr, and take care of his kids, he never treated her well. Celie was separated from her sister, Nettie, but Nettie promised Celie that she will write to her, she said Nothing but death can keep me from it.Celie never received any letters from her. Then Shug come to their life, she rescued Celie from her inward, miserable life style. Shug find out that Mr was hiding Celies letters, when Celie find out about it; she was so happy that her sister was alive, and a missionary in Africa. This was the climax of the story; she started to get her life back. Then Celie decide to leave Mr and go to Tennessee with Shug. From Netties letters C ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cause and Effecf essays

Cause and Effecf essays When a child grows up he wants to live up to his parent's expectations. Sometimes when he fails to meet those expectations he gets discouraged and feels that he has let his parents down. As the child grows he feels that he needs to do the best he can. If he fails to meet the standard he has set, how could his parents be happy with him? Little children will do most things that their parents want them to. Little kids love to help out their parents. As they grow, they in some way want to impress their parents by achieving some great accomplishment, maybe something that could never be reached by someone of his age. They have set their standards so high that it is a big let down to them when they have not reached their goals. Sometimes they may want it so much they work until they get sick or start to drive people away from them. People start expecting a lot from themselves when it seems so simple. When they fail it hurts so much that they will not quit until that goal is met. Sometimes it is best for them to rethink a goal before it becomes too far out of reach that it will not matter if they achieve it or not. Parents sometimes expect a lot from their kids. They may want something for their child that they forget to ask the child if they want it. Then in the process the child doesn't meet what the parent wants and the parent may then tell the child to keep trying. The child may not want what they thought of getting from achieving their goal and may want to quit. The child then becomes angered by his parents' constant interference and starts to set himself apart. Pushing to the breaking point is not exactly helping the child, and sometimes it has a reverse effect. The parents need to see that when the child loses interest in something it is no longer fun for them. Instead, the parents should encourage them to find something that interests them and to strive for a reachable goal. At times it is difficult to know when the goal is u ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why My Brother Is My Best Friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why My Brother Is My Best Friend - Essay Example I told him that Aljendro was there. The teacher called Aljendro in the classroom and showed him my blank page of class work. The teacher also showed Aljendro that I had been missing the classes on the attendance register. Alejandro told the teacher that he would take care of that. The teacher also placed confidence in Aljendro because Aljendro had been holding the first position throughout his education. Alejandro left the class. I was terrified that Aljendro would tell mom and dad, and they would be furious with me to know that I had been missing the classes as well as class work. I was very upset until I realized that Aljendro did not say a word to mom and dad. It so happened that he came to me in my room to talk to me about the teacher’s complaint. I had a beautiful and comfortable relationship with him, so I thought not to lie to him. I told him that I was having trouble gaining certain concepts. Aljendro identified those areas and personally taught me them with such detai l that I grasped those concepts. Aljendro also helped me organize my work by designing a schedule for me. As I had full confidence in Aljendro and wanted to be a position holder for him, I tried my best to follow his schedule, and it did work for me. A few days later, the teacher again called Aljendro in the classroom, but this time, it was not for a complaint, but for a reward. The teacher thanked Aljendro for helping me focus on the studies and told the class to clap and appreciate the efforts of an elder brother for a younger brother.... Aljendro also helped me organize my work by designing a schedule for me. As I had full confidence in Aljendro and wanted to be a position holder like him, I tried my best to follow his schedule, and it did work for me. Few days later, the teacher again called Aljendro in the classroom, but this time, it was not for a complaint, but for a reward. The teacher thanked Aljendro for helping me focus on the studies and told the class to clap and appreciate the efforts of an elder brother for a younger brother. Aljendro really helped me improve my academic performance. Had he told mom and dad all that the teacher had confided in him, that would have shattered my confidence as well as my trust upon him, but he kept that from happening. I believe that elder brother is always much more responsible for the type of relationship between two brothers, because he is wiser and is looked up to by the younger brother in all aspects. Younger brothers imitate elder brothers, so they naturally display ru de or nice behavior when they see elder brothers doing either of the two. Also, since elder brother has got more resources and authority than younger brother at any point in time, he is more able to affect the relationship for better or worse. For example, I remember my friend Bob whose elder brother would not let him touch his computer and that made Bob dislike him. My brother was never like that. Whatever he got, he shared it with me with a view to teaching me new things and inculcating new skills in me. From the books to his clothes, Aljendro has shared his every belonging with me, and has really fulfilled all responsibilities of an elder brother. Today, I fundamentally attribute my sense of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Executive Summary for the development of a new product Essay

Executive Summary for the development of a new product - Essay Example The NRG-H product is expected to form part of a new low-calorie diet snack food market segment and is expected to resemble the trademark of the Fitter Snacker. This new product is likely to appeal to the tastes of many people in this new segment given that it will reduce the calorie content which is seen as a positive step towards safeguarding the health concerns of the consumers. The operations related to this new product will be basically concerned about incorporating it into SAP. The advantage of this particular stance is to leverage the new product on the popularity of the SAP given that the customer and vendor relationships depend upon this. There are likely chances of success of this product if these steps are carefully implemented. 2. After factoring in all the production costs, it is anticipated that a case of 24 bars can be profitably sold at $28.80 as the wholesale price. This distribution channel is ideal in that it has many links with the vendors as well as retail outlets. This price is reasonable given that small actors in the retail sector will also be able to buy a case for resale. It is assumed that at this wholesale price, a profit margin of about $8 is likely to be realised. The retail price of a bar of this new product is pegged at $1.50. This price has been suggested after considering that this is still a new product hence it has to be priced slightly lower than similar products already existing in the market. The other justification for this price is that when penetrating a market, there is need to fairly price the product such that it can appeal to the interests of many potential customers. Some consumers can just buy it as trial but once satisfied, they are likely to refer other consumers to this particular offering. In some instances, the customers tend to discover new products in retail shops hence this is an ideal channel of distribution of this particular product. The wholesale and retail prices are justifiable given

Transition of Art to Photography in Terms of Realism Essay

Transition of Art to Photography in Terms of Realism - Essay Example Presently, such a world seems unimaginable thanks to photography: it comes with visual souvenirs; pictures of common and prominent people; advertising pictures that create a desire within the public while, at the same time educating them concerning all products the modern consumer culture is capable of offering; medical, diagnostic devices; incredible perceptions of exotic places, together with the outer space; world news pictures; and most significant, pictures of the events, as well as intimate moments of personal life (Keil 19). The photography technology is partly chemical and partly optical, dating back in 1839. Shortly after its instantaneous discovery by William Henry Fox Talbot of England, together with Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre of France, photography get used in documenting foreign places of interest like India, the American West and the Holy Land. Apart from that, it got applied in portraits along with photographs of kings, statesman, as well as theater or even literary personalities. However, during the 19th century, cameras were in most cases in the hands of either professionals or entrepreneurs who were self-educated thereby trying photography as a trade. Photography does not require professional licensing or even guild membership; therefore, in the mainstream, anyone has the capability of buying the equipment, obtaining the directions, and proceeding. This directness of the medium makes photographic practice liberated from the traditions, which had grown up throughout painting or a variety of printmaking arts (Keil 32). With the introduction of precoated dry plates in 1878, the tiresome and cluttered coating of glass plates inside the darkroom or even dark tent, for those photographers out in the field got eliminated, and with the availability of precoated photographic papers, printing of photographs turned out to be much easier, while, at the same time, more predictable. As a result, photography could be exercised by hobbyists or amateurs, mor e so by lovers of the medium since the majority of the people, who had the leisure for an advanced hobby such as this one, were not only educated, but also sophisticated, and desired to come up with photographs resembling Art (Keil 47). In the past, film cameras filters got used in the modification of both the spectral content i.e. color, intensity of light, while, at the same time, generating outcomes like soft focus. However, digital cameras tend to operate differently when it comes to color; there is a possibility of performing color modification in camera with ease by setting white balance. Therefore, for film warming, as well as cooling filters, or those filters capable of converting fluorescent light unto daylight where necessary, digital has the ability of achieving the same effects through internal operation of the digital data. There as a number of filters needed for digital including a polarizing filter, special effect filter, a UV filter, filters for infrared effects, a n eutral density filter plus a given graduated neutral density filter. It is impossible to digitally simulate the results of a